Sphereing: A Novel Framework for Real-time Collaboration and Co-presence in VR
Sphereing: A Novel Framework for Real-time Collaboration and Co-presence in VR
ZHVR White Paper by Helmut Kinzler, Daria Zolotareva, Risa Tadauchi and Aleksandra Mnich-Spraiter
Pblished on 31 aug 2021
In this paper, we present Sphereing as a novel conceptual framework for realistic co-presence and collaboration inside VR. While our own research is aimed at the Architecture, Engineering, and Construction (AEC) industry, this framework is envisioned for broader, persistent use in cybernetic commercial and public domains. Through our research into the requirements for an immersive collective collaborative environment, we have come to see that a unified information space is essential for effective knowledge exchange, and for creating and hosting holistic, multi-author constructs. This raises questions of authorship, IP, and access privileges within the singular space, which we address through our Sphereing approach to unified data.