

Jose Pareja Gomez

/ VR Developer

M.Arch Architecture and Urbanism Architectural Association

B.Arch Architecture
the De La Salle University

Jose Pareja Gomez, , Associate / VR Developer, has been with Zaha Hadid Architects since 2013. While working at ZHA, Jose has been integral to a series of Urban and Architectural projects specialising in the use of computation within the design development process. In addition, he is a lead VR Developer for the ZHVR Group, AR/VR research and development group within ZHA. Jose studied Architecture at the De La Salle University in Leon, Mexico and received an M.Arch in Architecture and Urbanism by the Architectural Association in London, UK. He’s previously been a Course Tutor Bartlett UCL BPro's Research Cluster 9, unit focused on extended realities and augmentation in architectural design and fabrication and is currently a course tutor at the Architectural Association DRL master’s programme.